Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mmm Pumpkin Seeds Are So Tasty

Halloween and autumn bring about so many fun traditions and carving pumpkins is one of those.  Since Halloween is tomorrow, we carved pumpkins last week in honor of it.  I've never carved a pumpkin on my own however so this was quite and interesting sight.  All of my friends that I carved them with hadn't either so we were all kinda of the blind leading the blind haha.  We figured it out though so it was not a problem at all.  I never knew how gross the inside of pumpkins were though until we carved them the other day.  They were very slimy and gross and I had to use my hands because it was the best way to get all the goo and the pumpkins seeds out of course, which was kind of the big reason why I wanted to carve the pumpkin in the first place.  Last year my roommate and one fo my best friends carved a pumpkin for me for my birthday and roasted the seeds after and that's how I discovered I liked them so much.  So because of this discovery, I wanted to make my own this year!  So I scrapped them all out of the pumpkin and put them in a bowl to bring back to clean.

Slimy seeds ewww

Once I got them home, I rinsed them out in the sink in a strainer.  I had gotten most of the pumpkin goo off but this helped to get all the remaining stuff off.  I then proceeded to dry them as best as I could and spread them out all over a cookie sheet so that they would roast evenly.  In order to find the perfect seasoning for them, I did what any other person would do...I googled roasted pumpkin seeds and found this recipe.  Instead of using the Old Bay though, I used Jane's Krazy Mixed-Up in Original Mixed-Up Salt because my roommate had it and it looked really good!  I can't tell you the exact measurements for everything but I was lazy and didn't measure any of them...sorry but I'm in college so being lazy is just a given sometimes haha.  Anyway, so I sprinkled the salt all over the pumpkin seeds on the cookie sheet and put them in the oven.

Before putting them into the oven, I preheated it (obviously) to 300F and coated the cookie sheet with cooking spray.  I then baked the seeds in the oven for 30 minutes.  I took them out to stir them at 15 minutes and to have a little taste.  After 30 minutes, I took them out and let them cool for a little bit before a full on tasting.  Well worth the wait let me tell you!  They were SO good!  Such a good and different way to fulfill that salty craving and they're healthy!  The roommates all enjoyed them too.  I definitely want to make more pumpkin seeds because they are so good for you so hopefully I will.  I think I'll use some different seasonings such as garlic or Parmesan cheese next time though just to add some variety.  Happy Fall!
Finished product NOMMMM

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